Come celebrate

Lions Gate888@2x

with some of the most notable spiritual voices of our time

AUGUST 8TH, 2024

11am—5pm EST   |  10am—4pm CST   |   8am—2pm PST


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Dissolve your limiting beliefs, transform your business, manifest true abundance and light up the world.

On Thursday, August 8th, you will journey through an experience unlike any event you’ve ever seen. Step through the Lion’s Gate Portal with Michael Bernard Beckwith, Danielle Paige, Koya Webb and Jessica Zweig, in this day-long live stream event, step into the transformations of:

  • a new consciousness of abundance
  • accelerated manifestations
  • embracing the energies of 8/8/8
  • reclaiming your Lightworker identity as the LEADER that you are!

Through interactive sessions, powerful visualizations, wealth energetics, business mastery and guided meditations, you will navigate a portal of self-discovery, empowerment and wealth manifestation.



Exited Founder, SimplyBe. Agency, Bestselling Author, #1 Podcast Host

"When women have money, women have power, and when women have both, this world will be a better place.”


Exited Founder, SimplyBe. Agency, Bestselling Author, #1 Podcast Host


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Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs ONCE and FOR ALL

Learn to identify and dissolve the blocks that are REALLY holding you back from living your fullest life

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Unlock Your Self-Worth and Unique FREQUENCY

Activate your fullest expression and step into your one-of-a-kind personal power

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Learn how to harness the unique abundance energetics of 888 to open up your life to a new flowing stream of wealth

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Access a renewed sense of inner harmony, peace of mind, focus and strength needed to support your expansion in every area of your life

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Tap into holistic modalities to increase your lifeforce energy and balance your mind, body and soul for ultimate vitality

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Achieve  razor-sharp clarity for the next right action in your life and business with the support of this global, conscious community



This cosmic event transcends geographical boundaries, uniting participants from around the world. Connect with fellow Lightworkers in a global virtual community, harnessing the collective energy  of 888 to catalyze personal and global transformation.

If you:

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    Built the “dream business” and can’t figure out why you’re not as fulfilled as you thought you would be

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    Are burnt out on the hustle and are seeking more joy, space and levity in your life

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    Desire to stop the swirl, the scarcity and the overwhelm of your business and reclaim your peace-of-mind

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    Feel like an imposter in your work, and are ready to activate a new level of confidence

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    Feel frustrated at the state of the world and want to be a part of the healing of humanity in a more meaningful and impactful way

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    Feel undervalued in your work and know that you should be making more WAY money than you are

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    Desire to stand more powerfully in your true message in the world, and need to be more visible

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    Long for more space to be in the creative, playful, magical flow of your life

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    Desire a more like-minded community who is on your spiritual wavelength

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    Need to create more internal harmony within your body, mind and soul and are looking for new tools for “balance” that actually work

…then this event is for you

Lions Gate888@2x

Start aligning with the energies of the Lion's Gate 888 Portal and set yourself up for a year of cosmic growth and success.

Stop feeling stuck, or playing small

Re-energize your business

Activate your Lightworker identity on this planet, at this time

Establish a better support system in your business, and in your life

Grow, both personally and spiritually

Connect, to yourself and others

Danielle 888


intuitive astrologer & Spiritual Techer

"This is the vision we all need across the entrepreneurial landscape to change the game for decades to come.”


intuitive astrologer & Spiritual Techer


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Jessica Zweig

Exited Founder, #1 Bestselling Author, Serial Entrepreneur, Business, Branding, and Spiritual Coach
Jessica brings an unparalleled blend of business, branding, spirituality and feminine leadership, guiding others towards self-actualization, self-worth, authenticity and inner balance, and how this manifests in business and wealth creation.

Michael Bernard Beckwith

Founder of Agape Spiritual Center, Speaker, #1 Bestselling Author
One of the most formidable spiritual thought leaders of our time, spiritual advisor to the stars and Founder of the globally renowned Agape International Spiritual Center. Michael is known for his message on Love, Oneness and LifeVisioning™, a revolutionary approach to personal empowerment.
Danielle 888

Danielle PaIge

Intuitive Astrologer and Spiritual Teacher
Astrologer, spiritual guide and luminary leader of a global community, Danielle specializes in cosmic alignment and self-discovery, helping her clients navigate their spiritual journeys with sovereignty, clarity and purpose.
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Koya Webb

Wellness Visionary, Inspirational Speaker, Celebrity Life Coach, Author and Founder, Get Loved Up
Koya is a spirit-led lifestyle entrepreneur specializing in holistic wellbeing. Known as a “transformational specialist,” she encourages sustainable lifestyle changes that maximize your ability to cultivate self-love, reverse life-threatening conditions and experience optimal health through her lifestyle design method.


Founder of Agape Spiritual Center, Speaker, #1 Bestselling Author

“This is a chance for all of us to step into our Light identities and be about our work in expanding humanity and the planet as never before.”


Founder of Agape Spiritual Center, Speaker, #1 Bestselling Author

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    11:00—11:15am EST

    Welcome, Introduction & Cosmic Invocation with Jessica Zweig

    Begin your journey with a powerful invocation to set the tone for the day, aligning with the cosmic energies of the Lion’s Gate Portal.

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    11:15am—12:15pm EST

    "Cultivating Your Inner Light" with Jessica Zweig

    Dive deep into your personal power and harness the cosmic energies of 888 to awaken your inner light and activate your mission.

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    12:15—12:45pm EST

    "You are the Source" with Michael Bernard Beckwith

    Learn to attune to and activate the synchronicities of the universe, unleashing your true power.

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    15 Minute Break EST

    A short break and moment to reflect and recharge.

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    1:00—1:30pm EST

    "Activating Your Outer Light" with Jessica Zweig

    Transform low vibrations and heal your nervous system, paving the way for effortless manifestation.

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    1:30—2:00pm EST

    "Your Body is Your Sacred Temple" with Koya Webb

    Engage in a Lion's Gate meditation and breathwork activation to enhance your magnetism for manifestation.

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    2:00pm—2:15pm EST

    "The 8 Embodiments of Divine Feminine Wealth" with Jessica Zweig

    Discover the principles of divine feminine wealth and how to embody them in your life.

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    15 Minute Break EST

    A short break to integrate the powerful teachings.

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    2:30—3:00pm EST

    "Embodying Your Divine Identity as a Leader of a New Earth" with Jessica Zweig

    Learn to integrate the morning’s teachings to align your business and life with your true purpose.

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    3:00—4:00pm EST

    The Lightworker Gathering

    Connect with others from around the world who have activated their cosmic truths and illuminated their lives.

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    15 Minute Break EST

    A final break before the concluding sessions.

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    4:15—4:45pm EST

    "The Future Light" with Danielle Paige

    Receive an astrological forecast and learn how to align yourself with the energies of 8/8/8 for future growth and success.

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    4:45—5:00pm EST

    "Closing the Portal" with Jessica Zweig

    End the day with a powerful closing ceremony, sealing the transformative energies of the Lion’s Gate Portal.

Be sure to stick around for the entire duration of the event to fully immerse yourself in this transformative journey!

In order to make this event as accessible as possible, your ticket allows re-entry throughout the day.

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wellness visionary, inspirational speaker, life coach, author and founder

"This is an event where spirituality, full-being wellness & entrepreneurship collide."


wellness visionary, inspirational speaker, life coach, author and founder


Occurring annually on August 8th, Lion’s Gate denotes the celestial alignment of Earth, Sirius, and Orion. It’s a particularly potent day for manifesting, shedding what no longer serves you, and setting intentions for what you are calling in over the next year.

Lion's Gate is the time of year when heightened consciousness rises. This year, 2024 (which equals the number 8), Lion's Gate is especially auspicious... 888. 

The number 8 in itself is the infinity symbol, denoting infinite potential and opportunity. In numerology, the number 8 signifies wealth and abundance.

While this event will embrace the feminine values of leadership, abundance, harmony, collaboration, self-acceptance and generosity, all genders are welcome.

Access to our day-long live stream event with our 4 speakers and hosts, a free copy of The Light Work, and 3 guided meditations sent straight to your inbox upon registration!

The event will be hosted on a secure, user-friendly virtual platform accessible via phone or computer. You’ll be sent more information upon registration. Technical support will be available throughout the event to assist with any issues.

We'll also send you your unique link to join 24 hours and 1 hour before the event begins at 11am EST!

While we recommend attending the entire event as the interactive sessions build on each other, your ticket allows for exit and re-entry throughout the day! We'll also be taking 15-min breaks throughout the duration of the event.

Bring a notebook, a comfortable and quiet spot to be fully present and an open heart and mind.

Lion's Gate is the most astrologically auspicious day of the year. It is when the boundaries between us and the stars and cosmic energies of the universe are permeable. In preparation for this event, spend some time with yourself. Have your intentions and what you want to call in this upcoming year at the ready as we raise our collective consciousness together.

Our team will be happy to help! Please reach out for any support needs to

Yes! This event will recorded and emailed out to all those that signed up following the event. You will have access to watch the recording two weeks after the event has ended.

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    FULL ACCESS to The Lion’s Gate 5-hour experience on August 8, 2024 (888) with never before seen talks, meditations, activations and new teachings on spirituality, wealth, feminine leadership and personal power

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    3 BRAND NEW ON DEMAND MEDITATIONS on Divine Love, Personal Power and The Magic of Play

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    A COPY OF “THE LIGHT WORK - Reclaim Your Feminine Power, Live Your Cosmic Truth and Illuminate the World,” by Jessica Zweig

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© 2024 JESSICA ZWEIG, INC. | All Rights Reserved.


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