Welcome to...

Unlock your superpowers and light up your life with Radiance in this 12-month exclusive book club community

You’re exclusively invited to the first-of-its-kind global collective of Lightworkers, female leaders and entrepreneurs to shine brighter, rise higher and shift the collective consciousness of the planet.
The Radiance Realm is a 12-month book club community designed to help you support your professional and spiritual growth while building the network of your DREAMS.
For the next 12 months, you will journey into your radiance, with me as your teacher and guide, to amplify who you REALLY are. Your business, your gifts, your talents and your unique DNA were given to you for a reason: to radiate light. What you’ll soon discover in the Radiance Realm is that you’re not only here to find a community: you’re here to change the world.


- INSTANT access to a community, inclusive of six (6) LIVE virtual book club calls (every other month, starting September 2024), where we will gather in sisterhood, with me as your guide, walking you through the teachings of the book
- Monthly “Invitations” (journaling prompts) and “Keys” (meditations, exercises and practices), taking you deeper on your spiritual journey, sent straight to your inbox
- Private podcasts episodes for Radiance Realm members only!
- INSTANT access to the full manuscript of my new book The Light Work, sent right to your inbox, so you can start reading TODAY
- An exclusive invitation to my private, New Moon Circle party in Nashville on August 4th, 2024 at a secret location. (This event is invite-only and will not be open to the public, only my innermost circle of Radiance Realm members get an invite!)
- An exclusive invitation to my live stream event on Lion's Gate 8/8/8 with special guests Michael Bernard Beckwith, Koya Webb and Danielle Paige. Manifest abundance with a global network of Lightworkers on this astrologically auspicious day!
- 5 hard copies of The Light Work to host your own Radiance Realm book club circles in your community
- A private bonus masterclass with me and expert astrologer to the stars, Ophi of the AstroTwins, diving into the astrological events of the next year
- A chance to win me dropping in virtually to join your private book club—I'll be choosing three winners!
- Chances to win Lightworker swag like journals, hats, sweatshirts and stickers
- FIRST access to all my brand new programs and masterminds dropping later this year—be among the first to know and sign up to guarantee your spot before the rest of the world
- PLUS an extra bonus group call with me for any program that you sign up for!

6 LIVE book club calls with me OVER THE COURSE OF THE NEXT YEAR

12 months of journal prompts & meditations, plus 5 hard copies of The Light Work

A private New Moon Circle PARTY with Astrologer Dani Beinstein $555

A private Astrological masterclass with Ophi from the AstroTwins

Bonus calls for all my future online programs, masterminds & retreats

ExCLUSIVE INVITES, chances to win & a global network of like-minded women
to my Lion's Gate live stream event on August 8th with Michael Bernard Beckwith, Koya Webb and Danielle Paige, where you'll dissolve your limiting beliefs, transform your business and manifest true abundance!

The total value of the Radiance Realm is over $20,000
Your 12-month exclusive community
As an added bonus, sign up today and get an exclusive episode of The Spiritual Hustler Podcast, exclusively for Radiance Realm members!

If you're feeling...
Curious About Spirituality.
So many of us are awakening on this planet at this time. We know there is a deep reason we’ve come here. As we grow spiritually, so does our success, joy and impact. In the Radiance Realm, I’m unlocking brand new spiritual truths you’ve been seeking.
The entrepreneurial journey is HARD, sister. I’ve been there so many times, and I’ve discovered that nothing compares to being in community with like-minded, generous, supportive, awake women pursuing their own dreams, who genuinely support the dreams of others. This kind of community is the literal secret sauce to success.
We don’t grow because we lack passion (we've got a LOT of that), but because we lack clarity. The Radiance Realm will provide a 12-month roadmap, holding your hand professionally and spiritually, as you build a newly clarified path to your business, dreams and purpose.
Exhaustion (and even boredom) in your business is a real thing. Whether it’s your business, job, friends or family that are leaving you uninspired and unmotivated, the tools within the Radiance Realm are going to light that fire deep inside your soul again.
Time is our most unlimited resource, and we are all strapped for it. The Radiance Realm will be your anchor point, your refuge and your deep breath. Designed to fit effortlessly into your schedule with virtual live calls every other month, along with inspiring monthly new tools for you to work with in your own time, this book club will bring the much-needed levity (and Light!) you’ve been missing in your life.
…then you’ve found your home.

Welcome to...

This is my first and only book club community. This level of access to book club calls with me, in addition to exclusive access to my private events and programs, won’t be available anywhere else. This community is exclusively for my innermost circle of Lightworkers. I hope you’re one of them.

Gathering in sacred community and creating Divine Feminine ceremony is a lost art. We could just hop on a Zoom call and jump right into the content, but we do things a little differently in The Radiance Realm.
So in true Lightworker from, we’ll open the portal together. We’ll play specific music, light candles, cleanse our auras, pull a card from an oracle deck, set intentions for what we want to learn and achieve in each session—all this is in service of creating a conscious container for our collective growth.
With The Light Work as our foundation, in each session, we’ll unlock a new aspect of your Lightworker identity. We’ll dive deeper into the key practices in the book and expand your business and your life in entirely new ways.
If there’s one goal I have in creating these conscious spaces, it’s community. While the Lightworker journey can, at times, feel dark and lonely, The Radiance Realm will serve as your tribe.
The community I’m calling in for this inner circle is of the highest vibration and intention. We’ll pour into each other and receive so much more in return.
Registration for The Radiance Realm closes AUGUST 2nd... just in time for our New Moon Circle Party! Our first book club gathering will take place in September, and we’ll meet every other month through August 2025.
Now is your chance to unlock:
- Six (6) exclusive LIVE virtual book club calls with me over 12 months, beginning September 2024
- Fresh journal prompts, exercises and meditations, sent to your inbox monthly
- A digital copy of The Light Work, today
- An invitation to my private New Moon Circle party in Nashville on August 4th
- An ticket to my Lion's Gate live stream event on August 8th
- 5 hard copies of The Light Work to share with your community
- A private bonus masterclass with me and Ophi Eduit of the AstroTwins
- A chance to win a guest appearance at your own book club
- Ongoing chances to win Lightworker swag
- First access to all my new programs over the next 12 months
- PLUS a bonus call with me for any new program you sign up for
- PLUS an instant download of a bonus episode of The Spiritual Hustler

We were born to be radiant, luminous, bright and shiny. We’ve simply forgotten. Radiance is our birthright, sister, and the community you’ll find in The Radiance Realm will bring you back home to your innate truth—your LIGHT—so that you can remember who you are, why you came here and how deeply needed you are at this precise time in humanity.
Let’s create a new reality, a brand new realm, RADIATE, and light up the whole freakin’ world…together.
© 2024 JESSICA ZWEIG, INC. | All Rights Reserved.